Caroling Bernese
Where every dog is a teacher
All rights to pictures and copy reserved. Copyright - C. Lingley 2001-2009
Caroling's Enduring Promise
Born - November 24, 2005
Ch. Always An Angel X Ch. Caroling's Symbol Du Saguenay
OFA Hips Good - OFA Elbows Normal
vWD tested, CERF - BMD4453
A robust girl slowly maturing to her current 93 lbs, Hannah thinks she rules the roost and greets strangers with much bravado, belying her sweetness, which she reserves for her family and best friends, i.e. anyone she has known for five minutes. She has a wonderful sense of humor, loves her "babies", which range from stuffies to a miniature basketball, and spends much of her time keeping her grandmother Lark company in our kitchen. Hannah is a big-bodied bitch, with ample bone and angles. We look forward to seeing what she will produce.

Equally proud of Hannah's sister
Carolings Amazing Journey
OFA Hips Good - OVC Elbows Normal
vWD tested, CERF - BMD4452
co-owned by and devoted to Elise Mahaffie
Maizey has a beautiful face and the bod to go with it. A lovely mover, she utterly charmed the judge at her first all-breed AKC show, who placed her Winners Bitch and Best Opposite Sex over two bitch specials for a four-point major.
Maizey delivered two bitch pups on February 4, 2009,
sired by Yadigar Av Milkcreek. See the B&B page for pictures of the pups.
Hannah was bred to Intl. Am/Can/Mex Champion
Steadfast Adelstamm Chester
and delivered three pups on July 16, 2009
Maizey & Hannah at eight weeks